Sunday, September 28, 2014


What if I de-adulted myself?  I mean, gave up the need to be an adult person, someone who carries the beliefs of a world around him, dresses a certain way, talks like everyone else, shakes hands when greeting others, believes that getting older and taller means less spontaneous expression, more seriousness, separation from the instincts that want to cry, sing, dance, play, and do things that are alive in my body? 

What if I listened to children in the same way I listen to adults?  What if nothing had to make sense, be logical, or even be acceptable to others?

One more what if.  What if I decided I was not an adult, a child, or anything labeled?  I was just me, the loving, sometimes sad, playful, compassionate, kind, sometimes mean, little big person that cared about others, sought silence amid the noise, hugged others, allowed my mind to wander aimlessly from thoughts to fear, to worry, and wherever it travels, yet tapping into a self-aware place within me that can observe from the "outside," and tends to believe that there is something right about everything, even when not knowing for sure what that may be, like a universal religion that believes everything.  

Friday, September 26, 2014


At birth, I was circumcised.  Well, so have millions of males around the world.  This is not a complaint or way to blame anyone.

 Just as females need not ever be circumcised, neither should males.  It came to me years ago that for a little child, a baby, a newborn person, to be greeted into this "other" world with someone cutting on their bodies with a knife...just didn't make sense.   

Again, I blame no one.  For some, it has been a long-held belief that cutting on a newborn little person is the right thing to do.  Yet, I wonder how this brutal act effects the behavior of males as they grow into bigger bodies, often carrying an unnoticed trauma in their bodies. 

No matter the reason, or explanation for, what I would call brutal act, I wonder if any human, woman or man, simply takes an inhale breath, and holds it unknowingly for years or forever.   How does this traumatic event, this inhale, surface in relationships, ways of being, or even feeling deeply. 

I have seen young ones at birth, slipping out of their mothers, being greeted with smiles, warm touch and an environment of welcome.  No one cut on them, only held them close.  Seems so simple to me.  To feel deeply and exhale freely is such a gift to women and men. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Children really are us.  We are them.  Children are like adult guides helping us to remember who we really are beneath our adult facade of